About Us
Angelo Piovesan, Ph.D.
There are some experiences we have had as children that we do not realize, with the necessary clarity, what was happening at the time.
On the one hand, I have always been a super studious and dedicated boy, the best student in the class, of quick thinking and words that always flowed rapidly and clearly - people said I was “hyper energetic”; devouring all and any literature, from the library books to my aunt's photo novels magazines, to the far western stories published in pocketbooks to the medicine inserts; and, of course, dictionaries, I’ve always loved dictionaries.
On the other hand, I have always been fascinated by and in communion with nature. As I liked to take care of the vegetable garden and the hen houses (yes, we used to have a chicken coop only for broody hens and newborn chicks) I would spend hours looking at the sky and imagining thousands of fantastic stories, or watching the movement of ants and preventing them, with a wooden stick, from eating the vegetables; people said that I was disconnected, out of the world, because they called me and I didn't answer - of course I was so absorbed that I didn't even hear. Experiences so diverse and paradoxical that they seemed incongruous, or lived by different people; but, yes, it was me then, and I am still myself now!

Maybe that explains the multiple interests, throughout my life, for everything and everyone, that took me to academic studies - at the age of 28 years old I was already a Ph.D. by an important American university, with a doctoral thesis written in a foreign language - and, at the same time, it took me to holistic and esoteric studies where, in addition to books and courses, inner searching, introspection and meditation were always present. The intuitions, the premonitions often confirmed, the spiritual gifts, which, I believe, we all have, have been subtle and, sometimes, imperceptibly, showing throughout my life.
I worked on radio and television, both in commercial and educational stations; I was a university professor at the largest public university in Brazil and academic advisor for dozens of master's and doctoral theses; UN consultant for the areas of communication, education and health; director of international promotional marketing, developing diversified actions in more than 30 countries; among many other things that do not need to be mentioned here, I lived all aspects and values of academic science.
I have always dedicated myself to social projects and the service to others, I had the privilege of voluntarily caring for the elderly and children, highlighting that caring for children has always occupied a very important place in my heart. All of this aligns very well, astrologically my sun is in cancer and as such my family has always been essential in my life - my three children are the great blessings of my existence, to whom I thank, always and infinitely, the honor of being their father, and the joy for the four grandchildren that have been given to me so far, in the hope that others will arrive, because the possibilities always exist.
At the same time, I have always been deeply involved in holistic and esoteric matters, trying to understand the energetic manifestations and how to use them correctly; looking for all the ways that were available to me to access the Divine, inside and outside of me. Even with a solid Catholic background - I even thought about being a priest, but soon gave it up when I realized that I had no vocation for celibacy - I dedicated myself to the study of various philosophies, religions and spiritual traditions, from Christianity, to Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism, Umbanda among so many others, because I have always been interested in the multiple forms of communication with the Divine.
I have walked through the studies of Theosophy; I went deeper into the world of the Great White Brotherhood, which transcends religions, falling in love irremediably with the Ascended Masters. I dedicated myself to the study of various holistic therapies, seeking to understand them, receiving treatments and learning how to use them. I have also dedicated myself to the study and practice of some oracles, finding in Tarot a wonderful instrument - I have been reading Tarot since 2003. I have also had the privilege of participating in the Inner Alchemy Movement in Brazil where I studied, went deep into the service of light, joined the inner core support group, and, later on, I helped create and was the first rector of the Alchemy's University of Consciousness.
Everything mixed together and all at the same time, seeking unity in the expression of the diversity that I am. I have always been immersed in the endless process of self-knowledge that, I was confirming more and more intensely, goes hand in hand, and with very tight hands, with the process of expanding consciousness and spiritual growth.

The early structure and the evolution of the services
From Berkana Instituto to Angelo Piovesan
I had only a few years left to retire as a professor from the university when, unable to resist any longer the internal calls, and under the inspiration of the Spiritual Plan, it was urgent to create the basic structure to carry out activities to promote self-knowledge, expansion of consciousness and spiritual development. At that early moment, around the year 2010, still focused on creating the infrastructure for the services I could provide, I created the Berkana Institute.
The search for the name of the institute went through some processes, but it was resolved when, even though I had never studied the rune oracle, I came across the rune Berkana, which means "true growth rises from within". This brought me clarity of what I have always believed in and what gives meaning to the service I want to provide: helping people in their process of self-knowledge so that, by knowing themselves more and more deeply, they can find the truth that dwells in their hearts, awaken their consciousness and spiritual gifts, commune with the Divine and, taking full responsibility for their own lives, they can live in the joy of being what they truly are.
In the initial years of activity, the Berkana Institute offered, always with me at the head, but in partnership with professionals specialized in various areas, individual consultations, in presence and at a distance (online), courses, workshops, lectures, free events, always with the purpose of offering excellent quality services. And, thanks to everyone's commitment, we have been very successful in this endeavor. However, over the years, experience was showing that I should be alone in this process, that everyone has their own mission in life, and that I had created the infrastructure to fulfill my service mission.
Little by little, in a spontaneous and harmonious way, people left the institute, making it even clearer that this was my mission. At the same time, with the arrival of the COVID pandemic, I had to close the big house where the institute used to work in the city of São Paulo and, started to perform the individual consultations exclusively online, either by videoconference or through audio description.
I had to take a break from in-person activities, and when I resumed them, it was in partnership with spaces of friendly professionals, many times in geographic extremes of the city. In 2022, on a vacation trip to visit family, I was in Marietta, a city in the Atlanta area, capital of the state of Georgia, in the United States, and had the opportunity to conduct in-person Reiki Courses, and do sessions with the Tarot and the Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame.
This made it even clearer that Berkana Institute was in fact me, wherever I was, anywhere in the world, using any of the languages in which I am fluent. So, faced with the reality of the facts, and from the point of view of the identity of the work, it was necessary to make this integration: to assume, clearly and unequivocally, that the services, whether in person or at a distance (online), are provided exclusively by me.
That is why, after years, the site - which used to be called berkanainstituto - now has my own name.