REIKI Course for Adults - Levels I, II and III-A
Traditional Usui System
with angelo piovesan, ph.d
The REIKI Method
It is a natural system for harmonization and energy replacement that maintains or recovers health. It is a method of stress reduction. REIKI is a system to awaken the power that resides within us, capturing, modifying and potentiating energy. It works as an instrument to transform harmful energies into beneficial ones.

Universal Vital Energy
REIKI Energy is a process of meeting Universal Vital Energy and our individual vital energy. It is one of the greatest forces on this planet for the evolution of people, a path for inner harmonization with the Universe. It is a comforting energy from the very Source of Life to which we all have access.
The connection with the Cosmic Vital Energy Source – which is a powerful energy of love and healing – gradually opens spaces for us to be more loving, supportive, understanding, healthy and happy.
Vital Energy is the life force on which our existence depends and this concept is basic in almost all the healing arts of the Orientals. It has received many different names from researchers and philosophers: Prana, Bioplasmatic Energy, Vital Force of Nature, Manna, Chi, Ki and Light.
This Vital Energy, the Universal Cosmic Energy, which emanates and sustains all Life in the Universe, is present in all outer space, on all planets, and in all forms of life.
In the REIKI technique, this Energy is channeled by the human being and emanated by the hands. Therefore, it is a technique of activation and natural application of the Universal Vital Energy to promote energetic balance. It is a method of natural healing by the hands that makes it possible to prevent dysfunctions and to promote the necessary conditions for complete wellness.
The REIKI energy has the focus on the hands and flows from the center out when we touch somebody/something. We can transmit this energy to other living beings with the power of our touch. For this we need to be initiated into the REIKI technique.
In self-application, we receive 100% of REIKI energy. When we apply it to others, they receive 70% and the Reiki Practitioner receives 30%.
Free REIKI Clinics
Since 2015, we offer REIKI Clinics for free to all those in need. It is an excellent opportunity for newly initiated Reiki Practitioners to administer REIKI under the supervision of the REIKI Master, with the support of other advanced Reiki Practitioners.
REIKI Courses offered by REIKI Master Angelo Piovesan
Master Angelo Piovesan offers REIKI Courses - Levels I, II and III-A - for Adults, and Level I for Kids 8-12. The Level III-B, for the training of REIKI Masters, is not being offered at the moment.
REIKI Course – Level I – The Awakening (Self-Healing)
The first teachings are focused mainly on the physical body, the relations with the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. At this level one learns the basic technique, the positions of the hands, how to treat oneself, other people, animals, plants, food and environments.
Program Content: What REIKI is and how it works / The REIKI history / The founder Mikao Usui / The 5 Principles of REIKI / Chujiro Hayashi and the REIKI continuity / Hawayo Takata and REIKI in the West / The REIKI Channel / The Initiation ritual / The 21 days of energetic cleansing / The levels of REIKI: I, II, III-A and III-B / The human body: physical-anatomic vision, the Aura and the Chakras / How and where to apply REIKI / The positions for self-application and application in others / The initiation ritual at REIKI Level I, among others.

REIKI Course – Level II – The Transformation
There is a deepening into the energy field of the initiated practitioner, which begins to promote mental and emotional treatments; to learn specific techniques such as sending treatment at a distance, mental healing that promotes greater mental clarity and access to unconscious patterns; and emotional healing.
Program Content: Review of the main points of REIKI Level I / Presentation and practice of the drawings of the 3 symbols of Level II: Choku Rei, Sei He Ki, and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen / Initiation ritual with the first 3 symbols of REIKI / Application of REIKI at a distance - various techniques / The transformation techniques / Meditation with the 3 symbols of REIKI Level II / The initiation ritual at REIKI Level II, among others.

REIKI Course – Level III-A – The Realization (The Master of Oneself)
Deepening into the energy flow, increase in perception and expansion of consciousness while becoming "realized"; and "master of oneself". Tools to care for the spiritual aspects, more advanced harmonization techniques, and the ability to send REIKI at a distance to crowds are presented. After this level, the student practitioner is also ready to work professionally with REIKI.
Program Content: Review and practice of the 3 symbols of REIKI Level II / Presentation and practice of the drawing of the fourth REIKI symbol: Dai Koo Myo / Initiation Ritual with the fourth REIKI symbol / Application of REIKI to crowds / Activation of the Channels of Force / REIKI on the Planet / Meditation with four REIKI symbols / How to assemble and use a Mandala of Crystals / Energetic Surgeries / The initiation ritual at REIKI Level III, among others.

Important Information
For the REIKI Courses, at all levels, are included: presentation of theoretical contents and practical application under the supervision of the master, illustrated workbook that serves as support and consultation material, coffee breaks, initiation into the respective level and certificate.
On the day of the course, at any level, one is asked to: abstain from alcoholic beverages or other drugs, coffee and meat; drink lots of water; wear light and comfortable clothes; bring a small bottle of water that can be refilled on site.
After the Reiki Course Level I: In the 21 days of purification that follow the REIKI course the initiated practitioner must perform the self-application of REIKI.

See what the media has been talking about REIKI:
(English version / subtitles will be available soon)

Information on REIKI Courses for Adults
REIKI Master
Angelo Piovesan, Ph.D.
Graduated from the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo - Brazil (ECA-USP) has worked since 1977 in educational and commercial broadcasters; Master and PhD in Educational Technology from Indiana University / USA, working in the areas of Communication and Education since 1984; Advisor of dozens of Master's dissertations and PhD theses; UN consultant for the areas of Communication, Education and Health; Professional of International Promotional Marketing, having
developed diversified actions in more than 30 countries. Retired professor from ECA-USP.
Student and researcher on holistic and esoteric subjects for over 40 years, today he works with the Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame, Tarot, Feng Shui Consultancy for Residences and Companies, Magnified Healing, Light Healing, REIKI, Family Constellations, MAHA LEELA, Teachings and practices on spiritual development and on the expansion of consciousness, among others. As a REIKI Master, he maintains a regular free REIKI Clinic.
REIKI Lineage
My REIKI Lineage goes back to Master Mikao Usui, creator of the system. From me come all REIKI Practitioners who were initiated by me.

Place and date
To be determined.
Please contact us for information on forms of payment and fees.
For more information, contact Angelo Piovesan or click on the "Scheduling" button.
- Phone and WhatsApp: (+1 678) 428.3756
- E-mail: [email protected]
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