Angelo Piovesan | Self-knowledge, Expansion of Consciousness
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Our Purpose


To promote self-knowledge, the expansion of consciousness, and the spiritual development.



At the moment, almost all sessions are held at a distance, either by videoconference or audio description, and aim to promote self-knowledge, well-being, balance, and harmony.

Courses and Events


Courses that qualify for professional performance and for a better life, and events that promote moments of knowledge exchange that help in the awakening of consciousness.

True growth rises from within

I, Angelo Piovesan, have always had multiple interests throughout my life. I have always been immersed in holistic and esoteric subjects, seeking to understand what energetic manifestations were and how to use them correctly; seeking all the ways available to me to access the Divine, inside and outside of myself.

I was a few years away from retiring from university when, unable to resist the internal calls any longer, and under inspiration from the Spiritual Plane, I created the structure to perform services with the purpose of promoting self-knowledge, expansion of consciousness, and spiritual development.


Strengthening your spiritual connection is an essential process if you seek balance and harmony. Learn about 8 rituals to start today!

What is consciousness expansion? Learn more about the practice that allows us to awaken to a reality with meaning and purpose.

Are you looking for well-being and holistic health? Find out how to balance body, mind and spirit for a more harmonious and conscious life.

Learn more about the sessions, courses, workshops and events


Wonderful work! I made my first session with the Radionic Board in 2018 and soon noticed the difference in my life - the energy was cleared and my paths were opened, and opportunities appeared for me already in the following month! It was amazing. It is the spiritual help we need to improve our lives! I recommend it.
Anaíde Morallis de Viveiros
Teacher in Odense, Denmark
I went for a Tarot reading session with Angelo Piovesan and it was a very cool experience of self-knowledge and attitudes that need to be learned and changed. I am thankful for the light! I definitely recommend it to everyone.
Gelse Montesso
Self employed in São Paulo
A very nice job! I had a session with Professor Angelo’s Radionic Board, who brought me wonderful revelations and paved the way. There were two blocks in my life that were discovered during the consultation. He did the cleaning and the results started to appear in the same week! I highly recommend it!
Davi de Almeida
Actor in São Paulo
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