Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame Session | Angelo Piovesan

Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame

At a distance, by videoconference or through audio description


with angelo piovesan, ph.d

The session lasts approximately 2 hours, sometimes more than that

Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame

The Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame is a healing tool based on the teachings of Sacred Geometry, Radiesthesia, Geobiology, Feng Shui and the Great White Brotherhood, with the Twelve Rays of Creation, the Ascended Masters, the Archangels and the Elohim.

A transforming tool

It works on the person's four bodies - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual - promoting the balance of each body and bringing the full strength to each of them. Naturally, no one should function with less than 100% of its potential. Among other aspects the Radionic Board works on the 14 systems of the human body, bringing balance, harmony and healing to the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, immune, and other systems.

In the same session, the Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame also works on the person's home, detecting and healing telluric energies, balancing and harmonizing the various guás of the house (specific environments that represent aspects of human life): the guá of success, relationships, work, family, etc. So, after the session, the person’s home is also harmonized.

The Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame operates based on the principles of quantum physics, transcending the limitations of time and space. It operates in the future, the present, the past and even in past lives. It operates where we are, in another hemisphere, in other planet, or in any other dimension.

There are 16 tools on the Board and two of them are intended to my particular and special use: my spiritual guides who work in collaboration with me are anchored in one of these special tools; and in the other one there are some of the specific therapies that I personally use in the healing processes.

Another very important detail to mention is that, right at the beginning of the session, if it is detected that there are obsessive spirits with the person, they are immediately forwarded to the place of their merit for evolution, leaving the person alone.

A 12-dimensional search is also performed to check if there are any entity or extraterrestrial chips, inverted symbols, magic, non-Divine Light deals that are disturbing the person's life, curses, limiting beliefs, family mandates, obsessing spirits, as well as any other negative energy that is with the person or in his/her etheric body. Once any negativity or abnormalities are detected in any of the dimensions, these are immediately removed and substituted by the sacred symbols of REIKI in order to attract to the person, directly from the Universal Source of all Life, all the blessings and good energies, according to the person's needs and merits.


The 4 stages in the Session with the Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame

The beginning

Right at the beginning of the session, it is established the therapist’s and person’s connection with the Radionic Board as well as the Divine. It is also checked if there are obsessing spirits and, in such a case, they are immediately forwarded to their place of merit.

1st stage

Cleansing and transmutation of the Etheric Body and Search in the 12 Dimensions. In the 1st step, the Search of 16 negative aspects in the 12 Dimensions is conducted as already explained above.

2nd stage

Strengthening and balancing of the 4 bodies (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) - which in itself is worth an excellent therapy session. And, with the 4 bodies strengthened and balanced, it is verified which spiritual guide will accompany the person for the next 21 days. In addition, the primary and secondary chakras are purified, and the Personal Radiance (how others perceive your light), Self-Esteem (how you perceive your own light), and the ability to receive Prosperity on all levels are enhanced.

3rd stage

Energy cleaning and harmonizing of the person’s house. The combination of steps 2 and 3 accelerates the healing process at all levels. The Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame can really change one’s life, because when we are balanced and in harmony we see life in a different way.

4th stage

The crucial issue of the moment. At this stage, it is possible to work on a specific issue that is more urgent for the person at the moment, going deeper into the treatment of that issue.


Radionic Board session at a distance

It is important to highlight that the results of a session made at a distance is as excellent as the one made in person. The details to be addressed in the remote session can be arranged by phone using WhatsApp (or Messenger or another suitable App) and can follow one of the two Options:

  • Videoconferencing. A videoconference is arranged (by E-mail, WhatsApp, Messenger or any other App) in which the person follows the consultation by video. It is necessary to be in a space free from external interferences, such as other people, television, etc.
  • Audiodescription. In this modality, the entire consultation, with all the steps and explanations of all the details, is recorded on audio and sent to the person. This method is very popular because it allows the person to save and listen to his/her consultation as many times as he/she wants. Since the session takes about 2 hours, sometimes more, it is very complex and includes a variety of aspects and details, it is very useful for the person to listen to the recordings more than one time.

Information on the Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame Session


Angelo Piovesan, Ph.D.

Graduated from the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo - Brazil (ECA-USP) has worked since 1977 in educational and commercial broadcasters; Master and PhD in Educational Technology from Indiana University / USA, working in the areas of Communication and Education since 1984; Advisor of dozens of Master's dissertations and PhD theses; UN consultant for the areas of Communication, Education and Health; Professional of International Promotional Marketing, having developed diversified actions in more than 30 countries. Retired professor from ECA-USP.
Student and researcher on holistic and esoteric subjects for over 40 years, today he works with the Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame, Tarot, Feng Shui Consultancy for Residences and Companies, Magnified Healing, Light Healing, REIKI, Family Constellations, Teachings and practices on spiritual development and on the expansion of consciousness, among others.
As a REIKI Master, he maintains a regular free REIKI Clinic.    



Please contact us for information on fees.

– Payments in Brazil can be made by PIX or bank deposit/ transfer.

– Payments in the USA - and from abroad - can be made by bank deposit/ transfer, PayPal or Zelle.

For more information, contact Angelo Piovesan or click on the "Scheduling" button.

Video on the Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame Session

(English version / subtitles will be available soon)


(English version / subtitles will be available soon)