Tarot Session at a Distance | Angelo Piovesan

Tarot Session

At a distance, only by videoconference


with angelo piovesan, ph.d

The session lasts approximately 2 hours, sometimes more than that

Tarot, a divine oracle

In each consultation there are discoveries that help you to see your Karma and Dharma, to know yourself better, to understand the moment you are living, to give meaning to your life.

The Tarot is a divinatory oracle that can clarify important aspects concerning the life of the person who consults it.

In the Tarot Reading Session, you are helped to face problems, to solve doubts and to make decisions, which helps you to unveil and understand your life journey.

Self-awareness and personal evolution

The fascination for the oracles is the fruit of a certainty: that life has a future. The reading of an oracle is a gift, which well used and interpreted can help in facing problems, doubts and decision making.

Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung, creator of Analytical Psychology, studied the participation of mysticism in the functioning of the psyche. Naturally, he found in the oracles a fertile field of research. 

Jung preached that the oracles promoted a frank dialogue with the invisible forces. But instead of spirits, he listened to the unconscious in them. The tarot, in his opinion, is an important instrument in the process of self-knowledge. 

The Tarot reading session

The main job consists in making an overview of your life journey, checking all situations, strengths and weaknesses, what are the difficulties and possible solutions to overcome them, by spreading the cards in the form of the 12 houses of the Astrological Wheel, the so-called the Astrological Wheel Spread. In person, or at a distance, the selection of the cards for this spread is made by the client.

1. The present moment - how you are facing life / you with yourself at this moment;
2. The finances - how money comes to you / your relationship with money;
3. Communication - with yourself (your worries, your thoughts) and with the world and other people;
4. Your home - not only your house but also your inner home;
5. Love relationships - the love you give / your children (if you have any);
6. Health - main alerts / Work - perspectives that arise;
7. Marriage - loving partnerships and also professional and project partnerships;
8. The occult - what you were not seeing until this moment / Sexuality;
9. Spirituality - your (direct) relationship with the Divine: not religiosity;
10. Reputation - how people see you / Professional success;
11. The love you receive / Friendships and their influences on your life;
12. The unexpected - something that is already present or about to come in your life; 
13. The message of the spread to you, which can help you live better all the aspects pointed out in each of the 12 houses.

After we have gone over all of this, if there are still questions left, it is possible to seek answers to them.

Tarot Reading plus Intuition

Every tarologist reads the cards and interprets them according to their specific meanings and the meanings of the houses they occupy in a certain spread. Besides reading and interpreting the meaning of the cards, I listen to the intuitions I receive from the spiritual plane, since I work with my spiritual guides, who inspire and help me in the job of helping you.

Why do a Tarot Reading Consultation?

In times of great upheaval, when everything changes quickly and the world seems like a strange place to live, it is necessary, more than ever, to look inside, to know yourself more deeply, and to understand the purpose of your life.

The Tarot indicates the journey of life that a person goes through as s/he travels the paths of personal evolution.

Unveil your paths and be aware of your strength!


Tarot Reading Session Information


Angelo Piovesan, Ph.D.

Graduated from the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo - Brazil (ECA-USP) has worked since 1977 in educational and commercial broadcasters; Master and PhD in Educational Technology from Indiana University / USA, working in the areas of Communication and Education since 1984; Advisor of dozens of Master's dissertations and PhD theses; UN consultant for the areas of Communication, Education and Health; Professional of International Promotional Marketing, having developed diversified actions in more than 30 countries. Retired professor from ECA-USP.
Student and researcher on holistic and esoteric subjects for over 40 years, today he works with the Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame, Tarot, Feng Shui Consultancy for Residences and Companies, Magnified Healing, Light Healing, REIKI, Family Constellations, Teachings and practices on spiritual development and on the expansion of consciousness, among others.
As a REIKI Master, he maintains a regular free REIKI Clinic.



Please contact us for information on fees.

– Payments in Brazil can be made by PIX or bank deposit/ transfer.

– Payments in the USA - and from abroad - can be made by bank deposit/ transfer, PayPal or Zelle.

For more information, contact Angelo Piovesan or click on the "Scheduling" button.

Video on the Tarot Reading Session

(English version / subtitles will be available soon)


(English version / subtitles will be available soon)