Spiritual Development Course promotes the consciousness expansion

Inspired by the meaning of runa Berkana which says that "true growth rises from within", the Spiritual Development Course offers theoretical and practical activities, with no religious connections. The course aims, among others, to help the student in the inseparable process of self-knowledge and spiritual development, facilitating the expansion of consciousness, the flourishing and blossoming of spiritual skills, the communion with the Divine, not only through mental understanding, but mostly through practical application in the daily life.

The Spiritual Development Course has 16 sessions. Each session takes place once a week, so the course is 4 months long.

It occurs twice a year: in the 1st semestre (from January to April) and in the 2nd semester (from August to November).

The structure and basic organization of the Spiritual Development Course's classes 

Given the great amount of information and the importance of simultaneously building several concepts and practices that aim to develop spirituality and self-knowledge in the best possible way, our classes are divided into 7 sections, as explained below.

1st section - Initial gathering

On the first day of class, the initial gathering allows everyone to get to know each other; after all, no one crosses someone else's path merely by chance. The group of students will be together for four months. The disciple's journey is individual, but the exchanges can greatly enrich the entire journey of spiritual awakening.

As the contents and practices are presented, the exchanges become more and more important.

The classes are 3 hours long, from 7pm to 10pm, but we ask everyone to arrive at 6:30pm for this initial gathering and, very important, to start the class on time, at 7pm.

2nd section - Cleaning and Energetic harmonization / balance

Several techniques are used with the help of various instruments, such as incenses of many scents, graphics, pendulum, Atlantis stick, rattles, mantras, drawings and paintings, visualizations, breathing techniques, among others.

The purpose is that the student learns all the techniques in order to be able to use, among those of his or her own preference, the most appropriate in a given circumstance.

In some classes, this section may be a little longer and/or may, depending on the theme, be combined with another section.

3rd section - Discussion and monitoring

This space is reserved for the accompaniment of individual spiritual development, as well as of the group, the challenges faced and the overcoming of the difficulties experienced in carrying out the tasks and activities of the week.

A time to remove doubts and reinforce the most important points, when practical guidelines are offered in the quest for a deeper self-knowledge.

4th section - Short lecture

In each of the 16 classes, a specific theme is covered which is integrated and harmonized, over time, with all the subjects covered in the various sections of the Spirituality Course. The themes include:

  • Heaven and Earth Connection: Divine Presence, Light Figure - Rooting, Protecting Light Tube, Light Body Construction;
  • The Process of Introspection;
  • Personality Structure (Ego) and Process of Consciousness Raising: the 3 bodies of the personality (physical, emotional and mental), structure, functioning and mastery;
  • The Atom of Consciousness;
  • Forms of Perception and the 7 Intelligences;
  • The Senses and the Perception Mechanisms;
  • The mediumistic circuit;
  • The 12 Dimensions of Existence;
  • The Processes of Incarnation and of Ascension;
  • The Chakras;
  • The Energy Bodies.

5th section - Guided Meditation

Through guided meditation all the details involved in the Heaven and Earth Connection are thoroughly explored: the integration with the Divine Presence and with the Earth's center, the Divine Light Spark that precipitates as the Light Ray, the rooting using the Light Figure, the Chakras connection (inside and outside the body) and also the Energy Bodies, the enlightening and sustaining of the Light Body, the protecting Light Tube.

During the classes, the connection with the Divine - the Source of All Life, the Creator and Father/Mother of All Creation - is promoted both on the Immanifest-Plane through the Diamond Flame, and on the Manifest-Plan through the Threefold Flame with the qualities of Divine Power, Wisdom and Love.

From there, communion with each of the first 7 Rays of Creation is fostered:

  1. The Blue Flame of God's Power and Will, which brings the qualities of initiative, determination, faith, protection, order and victory over all difficulties;
  2. The Golden Flame of Wisdom with the qualities of understanding, enlightenment, balance, intuition, consciousness and prosperity;
  3. The Pink Flame of Unconditional Love, with harmony, beauty, tolerance, communication and union;
  4. The Crystal-White Flame of Purity and creativity, patience and achievement;
  5. The Green Flame of Healing and truth, justice and prosperity;
  6. The Golden Ruby Flame of Peace, of grace, of unattachment and of humility;
  7. The Violet Flame of Transmutation, with the qualities of mercy, freedom, forgiveness, and justice.

The guided classroom practice is a support for the daily, individual, weekly practice.

In addition to strengthening the Heaven and Earth Connection, communion with the divine qualities is also strengthened, and each student brings from meditation the learnings that can support him/her in his/her path of spiritual evolution at that moment of the journey.

6th section - Energetic / Mediumistic / Spiritual Theory and Practice

In this section are presented some theoretical concepts and their practical applications that can be integrated, depending on the subject, with other sections of the class. Some topics include:

  • Soul, Spirit, Perispirit and Centers of Force (Chakras) - with the practicing of balance with the hands, with the Atlantis stick, rattles, smoke (resins and herbs), mantras, pendulum and graphic with stones;
  • Colors of the Unconscious - artistic therapy, with gentle regression, with no hypnosis, which unblocks trauma and anxiety, improves self-confidence and self-esteem for the purpose of familiarizing oneself with the mediumistic talents;
  • Elementals and elements;
  • Psychic self-defense including the use of herbs and baths, among others;
  • Mediumistic circuit;
  • The most basic forms of manifestation of mentors (spiritual guides): Incorporation (only explanation, no practice), Psychography, Psychophony, Psychometry, Mediumistic Painting, Clairvoyance and Telepathy;
  • Obsession: what it is and how to deal with it;
  • The Healing Flow: unfolding (astral projection) for diagnosis, and the Energetic Scanner.

7th section - Recommendations for the coming week and closing session

The first part of this last section teaches various protection techniques, including decrees, prayers and visualizations.

Then the tasks to be performed during the week are requested and explained: meditation using the concepts learned in class, practices of protection and also of balance and strengthening of the bodies - physical, emotional, mental, etheric and spiritual.

Finally, we close with a joyful practice of harmony and spiritual elevation.

Why is it important to develop the Spirituality?

To develop spirituality is, above all, to discover one´s true essence. Spiritual awakening promotes an expansion of consciousness through the search for the meanings of life.

By means of concepts that are not tangible and therefore transcend the obvious, one who engages in spiritual growth and manages to find a connection with something greater than oneself has a more complete, joyful life, full of harmony, without tensions, anxieties or fears of any kind.

The expansion of consciousness through spiritual awakening allows us to find answers to questions such as:

  • What is the meaning of life?
  • What is my purpose in this life?
  • Why am I going through the things I am going through?
  • Why am I here today?
  • What can I do to become a better human being?
  • How can I expand my virtues in order to benefit and help other beings?

Spiritual growth is a process that allows us to look within ourselves, reaching out and unveiling our innermost self that often remains hidden under our ego.

Practice unattachment, seek inner peace, not let your state of mind be affected by unpleasant circumstances or actions of others, be more tolerant and patient, learn to overcome frustrating and disappointing situations, be aware that we are a spirit in a physical body and not a physical body with a spirit.

All these achievements, so important in the life of a human being, can be reached much more easily if we dedicate ourselves to the processes of self-knowledge and spiritual development.

Below you will be introduced to the teachers who conduct Spiritual Development Course, and further ahead you will find updated information about the upcoming classes.

Spiritual Development Course Teacher

Angelo Piovesan, Ph.D.

Graduated from the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo - Brazil (ECA-USP) has worked since 1977 in educational and commercial broadcasters; Master and PhD in Educational Technology from Indiana University / USA, working in the areas of Communication and Education since 1984; Advisor of dozens of Master's dissertations and PhD theses; UN consultant for the areas of Communication, Education and Health; Professional of International Promotional Marketing, having developed diversified actions in more than 30 countries. Retired professor from ECA-USP.

Student and researcher on holistic and esoteric subjects for over 40 years, today he works with the Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame, Tarot Reading, Magnified Healing, Light Healing, REIKI, Feng Shui Consultancy for Residences and Companies, Family Constellations, MAHA LEELA, Teachings and practices on spiritual development and on the expansion of consciousness, among others.

As a REIKI Master, he maintains a regular free REIKI Clinic.

Next classes for the Spiritual Development Course

New classes will be announced soon in the Marietta, Georgia - USA area.

If you would like to express your interest in taking part in the course, please contact us directly by clicking here.

May the Light of Love be the guide of all paths, at all times, in all circumstances, with all the people. And may Love foster Peace!