The Maha Leela Game
In person and at a distance
There is a platform specially created to carry out the game remotely
A tool for self-knowledge and spiritual awakening
with angelo piovesan, ph.d
The game itself lasts an hour and a half
The Maha Leela Game
The Maha Leela is a therapeutic tool for self-knowledge that comes from ancient Indian wisdom and has been transformed into a board game, where one learns about oneself as one plays.
The Game of Maha Leela , also called the Great Divine Game, or the Game of Cosmic Energy, the Game of Self-Knowledge, or the Game of Spiritual Awakening. Everything that exists takes part in this game and, as self-conscious beings, we can become more conscious of our role in this game of life.

More about the Maha Leela Game
As a sacred teaching, the Maha Leela has transcended time and presents itself as a great blessing to all those who get in touch with this ancient wisdom.
The Maha Leela helps people to find their ways, to heal their wounds, to recognize and overcome their blockages, to develop their potential, to discover their mission in life, and - as it is a spiritual tool - to align themselves with their soul's purpose.
Through the Maha Leela Game, it is possible to perceive, in a playful way, emotional blockages, difficulties in seeing everyday situations clearly, and patterns of behavior.
These patterns of behavior - whether compulsive, repetitive, unconscious, unhealthy, or harmful - condition our lives and our relationships, generating unnecessary suffering and preventing us from following the flow of life naturally and lightly.
The dynamics of the game help people to realize both their weaknesses and strengths, which can be used to overcome difficulties, directing their psycho-spiritual energy towards the main goal of the Life Journey, i.e. the return to and communion with Cosmic Consciousness.

The Origin of Maha Leela
As is widely known, India has many religions, with many different gods and dogmas.
However, there is a fundamental link between them and that is the belief in a Supreme Power, or a Supreme Consciousness, a Supreme Energy, which the Indians call Brahman - that is the Absolute, the One, the Omnipresent, the Omniscient, the Most-High, in other words, the Supreme. Brahman, Vishnu and Shiva constitute the holy trinity of Hinduism.

Brahman created the multiple, mutable, impermanent, and finite world, which manifests itself through existential phenomena. But, magnificently, within each being, and therefore within each one of us, there is a reflection of Brahman.
After creating the Universe, Brahman made existence (and life itself) a great game - the Maha Leela. Human beings enter and leave this game many, many times - these are the various incarnations - in an evolutionary process until they reach the definitive reintegration of their Self with the One, uniting in essence with Brahman.
According to ancient Hindu tradition, only those who know the truth about themselves can achieve the spiritual experience of communion with the Divine. To help all those who want to venture on this quest for self-knowledge and wisdom, Krishna, one of the incarnations of Vishnu, inspired the sages of Ancient India to create Maha Leela - the game of self-knowledge.
The dissemination of the Maha Leela in the West began with the Hindu master Harish Johari (1934-1999), who published the book "Leela: the game of self-knowledge" in English.
The person responsible for translating this book into Portuguese is Denise Mascarenhas, who is also the author of the book "Unraveling Maha Lilah", with accessible explanations of the houses, snakes, and arrows, as well as the various ways of playing Maha Leela.
The Maha Lilah Institute, created by Denise Mascarenhas, is committed to honoring, and remaining faithful to this ancient tradition, through courses, lectures, consultations, and the training of Maha Leela therapists. The Institute gives all its students support in the in-depth and proper use of this powerful tool.

I, Angelo Piovesan, am a therapist trained by Denise Mascarenhas and certified by the Maha Lilah Institute.
The Maha Leela Game - what it is and how it works
First, we need to understand that our life is a big game, where we are constantly involved and directed by the energies of our ego.
These energies that drive our lives are little known to us, and this puts us in unpleasant and even difficult situations, with the same repetitive problems. Sometimes these problems come in different guises - swirling and repeating themselves in an up and down that never seems to end, where we experience the same states of consciousness in different ways.
Without understanding this game of life and our role in it, we can't break our behavior patterns and learn the lessons that life presents us with.

This transforms the Maha Leela Game board into an archetypal map of awakening consciousness. The board is a very revealing tool for the movements of the person's energy, the egoic structure present in behavior patterns and blockages, as well as the virtues that need to be perceived and experienced.
The board is made up of 8 lines, which are called planes. The first seven planes represent the seven chakras, with their respective attributes and qualities, while the eighth represents the divine forces - the divine realm that is above the material plane.
Each plane has 9 houses, for a total of 72 houses. Each house represents a state of consciousness with a certain energetic and vibrational pattern, for example, anger, egocentrism, accommodation, illusion, envy, charity, wisdom, negativity, compassion, joy...
These states of consciousness, common to all people, are vibrational fields interconnected on a path (the path of life) made up of ups and downs. When a person rolls the die and, by synchronicity, lands on a particular house, it is understood that they are vibrating in that energy, in that state of consciousness.
The board reveals the path of life, the Leela, and how to break out of repetitive and negative cycles. The path taken by the person reveals their psychological dynamics, the blockages they need to release, the potential they need to develop so that their life path flows naturally and lightly.

Thee steps of the Maha Leela Game
Step 1: Defining the theme
The theme of the game is defined based on the needs of the person who wants to play: a subject that is causing concern at the moment, something they perceive as recurring in their life and would like to do differently, something they want to understand better...
Most of the time, the person has a specific theme that they would like to investigate more deeply. In this case, it's important that this theme is clearly defined, and there are tools in the game to help with this.
On the other hand, it's also possible to play an open-ended game, without a defined theme, where the person makes their way around the board and learns the lessons presented to them in the game.
Step 2: The beginning
Right at the start, the person playing selects 5 cards from the Maha Leela deck to help establish the energetic focus for the game.
If the game is face-to-face, a small object is chosen to represent the person, and which will move around the board. It could be a ring, a stone, anything.
This object is placed in house 68 - the house of COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS - where everything begins, and everything ends.
The journey begins when the person draws the number 1 on the dice and then goes to house 1 - the house of the PRINCIPLE - where the Game of Life begins.
Sometimes, after several attempts, a person can't get into the game. This is an indicator that there is some internal condition holding them back.
Understanding this dynamic is also part of the game and there are various tools to help in this process, such as the projective cards specially designed for the Maha Leela Game.
Step 3: The journey or the path followed in the Game of Life
Each time the dice is thrown, the object that represents the person moves around the board, mapping out the path of self-knowledge that presents itself to the person at that moment in their life.
In each house there is the possibility of learning the lessons that that state of consciousness represents, which brings clarity to the process. But it's also important to consider the sequence of the path, for example, from which house the person left to reach this other state of consciousness - which also presents many lessons.
The game of life is not linear, but consists of ups and downs, ascents, and descents, which are represented by snakes and arrows.
The snakes in the Maha Leela Game represent our shadows, those negative energies that lead us downwards and need to be recognized, worked on, and integrated into the light.
The arrows represent the virtues we have already acquired or need to develop, they are positive energies that lead us upwards and shorten our path towards self-knowledge.
Step 4: The ending
There are two ways to finish the game.
The first and most common, as occurs in most cases, is when the predetermined time of approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes has elapsed. The path taken in this timeframe provides the necessary and sufficient resources for the person to understand the most important issues related to the theme of their game, which enables them - strengthened by the lessons learned - to put more appropriate decisions into practice.
The other way the game ends is when the person reaches house 68, the house of COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, where it all began. Reaching this house means that, whatever the person's path in the game, they have reached an understanding of the proposed theme. The person has stabilized their consciousness and no longer identifies with the ups and downs along the way; they are ready to live their life with the wisdom acquired in the game.
Step 5: The power statement
At the end of the game, with the help of the facilitator, the person formulates a power statement - a phrase - that summarizes the lessons learned from the game and establishes the energetic focus for sustaining higher states of consciousness.
Step 6: The game report
Once the game is over, the facilitator prepares a full report containing the entire process followed in the game, the lessons learned and the power statement.
Playing Maha Leela – Online Platform
Exclusive access for therapists certified by the Maha Lilah Institute
As the screen is larger and gives more visibility, it is recommended that the person plays the game on the computer.
The Maha Leela therapist enters the platform, fills in some basic details about the person who is going to play, generates the game link and sends it to the person. The person clicks on the link and the platform opens on their screen. Each move is displayed directly and simultaneously on the screen of the therapist and the person playing.
At the start of the game, the cards from the Maha Leela deck are presented on the screen for the person to choose from. Each stage of the game is followed in detail with each move of the dice: each house with its respective name, as well as the snakes and arrows that appear when the dice lead to the corresponding houses.
After the game is over, the therapist prepares a summary in the form of a very complete report, including each movement of the game, the meanings and lessons learned from each house visited, the snakes and arrows that appeared, and the power statement. This report, which is sent by e-mail, also contains an image of the board showing the game's trajectory and major events.

Maha Leela Game Information
Angelo Piovesan, Ph.D.
Graduated from the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo - Brazil (ECA-USP) has worked since 1977 in educational and commercial broadcasters; Master and PhD in Educational Technology from Indiana University / USA, working in the areas of Communication and Education since 1984; Advisor of dozens of Master's dissertations and PhD theses; UN consultant for the areas of Communication, Education and Health; Professional of International Promotional Marketing, having
developed diversified actions in more than 30 countries. Retired professor from ECA-USP.
Student and researcher on holistic and esoteric subjects for over 40 years, today he works with the Radionic Board of the Sacred Flame, Tarot, Feng Shui Consultancy for Residences and Companies, Magnified Healing, Light Healing, REIKI, Family Constellations, MAHA LEELA, Teachings and practices on spiritual development and on the expansion of consciousness, among others. As a REIKI Master, he maintains a regular free REIKI Clinic.
Please contact us for information on fees.
– Payments in Brazil can be made by PIX or bank deposit/ transfer.
– Payments in the USA - and from abroad - can be made by bank deposit/ transfer, PayPal or Zelle.
For more information, contact Angelo Piovesan or click on the "Scheduling" button.
- Phone and WhatsApp: (+1 678) 428.3756
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Messenger: click here