The Year Tarot Wheel - 2025 | Angelo Piovesan

The Year Tarot Wheel - 2025


with angelo piovesan, ph.d

From Nov. 22, 2024 to Jan. 10, 2025, only during the "7 Sacred Weeks"I do The Year Tarot Wheel for the year 2025.

  • What is your strength / what is your base energy for the year 2025?
  • What are the most important energies that will influence each of the 12 months of the year for you?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of each month?
  • What are the necessary cares?
  • What are the recommendations and advice for your life journey through each month of the year 2025?

Would you like to find out? Schedule your session!


Tarot of the 7 Sacred Weeks - Annual Mandala

Getting ready to live 2025 to the fullest!

The period that goes from the end of November - including Thanksgiving - until the middle of January - including the Three Wise Kings' Day - is called "The 7 Sacred Weeks".

During this period the energies of love, peace, and good will flood the Earth with great intensity, making it easier for people to engage in fraternal and compassionate actions. It is not by chance that on January 1st we celebrate the Feast of Fraternity and Universal Peace.

It is only in this period that I am authorized to perform The Year Tarot Wheel, with the purpose of helping people understand their own life journey, overcoming obstacles, and making good decisions that lead to joy and fulfillment.

Unveil your paths and be aware of your strength!

Schedule your session and see what the Tarot of the 7 Sacred Weeks can reveal!